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Helping others is not a one-sided situation, but a mutual gratification. Not only are you giving your time, energy, and resources to help others, you are improving yourself in the process. Studies suggest that lending yourself to those in need promotes a greater sense of satisfaction, happiness, and a sense of worth. Researchers have found many health benefits in acts of kindness and service.

Life Longevity

They say a positive mind has an overall powerful impact on optimal health. When helping those who are less fortunate, this promotes us to feel more thankful for our own lives. Whether you are volunteering with foster children or at a homeless shelter, it is certain to create a fulfilling sense of purpose in your psyche. This helps ward off mental issues and physical health issues such as depression, high blood pressure, and chronic pain.

It’s Contagious

Helping others creates a domino-effect. Have you ever been in a fast-food line and the person in front of you pays for your meal? Did it inspire you to do a random act of kindness for another stranger? It is an almost instant reaction. If something heartfelt is done for you, it is human nature to want to extend that gesture to someone else. Therefore, the more you do, the more it will motivate others to spread generosity.

Enhances Social Connectivity

It is easy to get down and out. It is easy to pity yourself sometimes or think poorly about other people. This loneliness creates a separation between you and others. The more you interact and socialize with others, the more it leads to mental happiness and wholeness. Assisting leads to an increased sense of optimistic thinking. It can give us the willpower to combat internal loneliness and reducing loneliness in others. This camaraderie has a mutual effect on all parties involved. It is a win-win situation.

Altruism is a fabulous thing. It is the connective fiber that binds humanity together. Selflessness is all about doing something with the expectation of getting nothing in return. It is the greatest form of generosity we can give. With all we know about the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of altruism, it is safe to say that it is essential for human existence.