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When people think of fundraisers, they think of the fall and winter and important U.S. holidays. However, organizations and the people they help require funds year round. Use the beautiful weather and the springtime excitement to draw attention to your charity or cause.

Thinking outside of the box is essential to ensure plenty of people attend and give. As the sun shines down on the community, the overall mood increases. Happier people means giving people.

Here are a few unique fundraising ideas to get your brain juices flowing.

LemonAID Stand: This might seem simple or obvious, but sometimes it simple ideas can be the most effective. This is also a great option if you’d like to get more kids involved in philanthropy. First, have your team choose a cause that is important to them and then spread the word. Local press will be more than happy to donate attention to get further resources and donations for your efforts.

Game Day: In junior high, game day was always the best day of the year. Teachers and staff would work to coordinate a day of team on team sports and games that allowed everyone a chance to play and win. To make the day even better, dedicate it to raising money for a specific cause. Then ask local companies to match donations and be a part of the day.

Easter Egg Decorating: Take everyone’s favorite Easter activity and use it to support a community charity. Send out invites and promote well including helpful details. Purchase supplies and set up shop in a beautiful, sunny, grassy patch at a local park. Make the event open to adults and children, and charge participation fees. You can sell the eggs for donations at the end of the event or put jars in front of the best ones for people to vote for their favorite using spare change.

April Fool’s for Good: “Don’t be afraid of being fooled this April because fooling you means giving back!” Use this prank holiday for good, but enlisting the community to commit random pranks of kindness. For example, have a list of pranks circulate through friends, family and the community. Have people sign up for specific pranks on loved ones and donate a particular amount of money. Then carry out the pranks, such as covering a car with silly or kind notes, or filling a friends mailbox with candy.